Branch 112

Golf Activities


Branch 112 golfers have access to many courses throughout the area. Just go to Http:// , there you will find SIR Stats on golf tournament events to include; State Results, Division information, Manual & Forms, Awards and links to find branch Golf Web Sites. Look it over and let’s go golfing.

If you watch a young person swing a golf club, you are stuck with the flexibility of the swing. The shoulder turn is effortless, the follow through complete.

Then watch a more “mature” golfer, the shoulder turn is less, the follow through partially non-existent. Some of this is due to a lack of flexibility, some not.

Stretching is vital before the mature golfer plays. Be careful when you do it, but try to get as much of a shoulder turn as you can. Lifting your left heel a bit (or a lot if you can keep from swaying) will help.
You have to get turned, to set up your downswing. If you can stretch and pick up a few degrees, so much the better. Then follow through and stay on balance.

 Like any rubber band that is tight, when you downswing, the tendency is to uncoil in a jerking motion due to aging muscles. Resist that by following through, all weight on the leading foot, following toe pointed to the ground and then hold the pose until the ball hits the ground. This should help improve your game.
Golf Tip:
Note: Return to Home Page for more activities.